VIDEO: A Visit to Our 2021 Halloween Rally for Climate Action
Experience the Halloween Rally for Climate Action, sponsored by the WV Climate Alliance, which took place Oct. 30, 2021, on the plaza of the Robert C. Byrd Federal Courthouse Building in downtown Charleston. WV. The rally's messaging was directed at WV Sen. Joe Manchin, urging him to stand behind climate legislation and funding proposed by the Biden Administration. "The age of fossil fuels is coming to an end," renowned climatologist Michael E. Mann told the rally in virtual address. "It's still time for us to make the right choices so that we don't mortgage this planet. But we have to act now! This is a moment of consequences when it comes to the climate crisis. And we have to rise to that moment. We have to meet that moment, with meaningful action.
DIRECT YOUTUBE LINK: https://youtu.be/r6Cm_1xJ99Y
VIDEO: ‘Climate Common Sense: Follow the science to a safer future’
The work of the West Virginia Climate Alliance focuses on three main pillars: climate justice; a true transition; and greenhouse gas reductions in accord with the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. In this 10-minute mini-documentary, "CLIMATE COMMON SENSE," Climate Alliance co-founders Perry Bryant and Angie Rosser (director of the WV Rivers Coalition), along with WV House of Delegates member Evan Hansen speak of the fundamental importance of taking action on the climate crisis rooted in the climate science laid out by the global scientists who make up the UN’s IPCC. Using imagery from around West Virginia and beyond, this video underscores what is at stake if we do not take decisive action, locally, nationally, and globally on the onrushing climate crisis.
FOR MORE ON THE THREE PILLARS: About the WV Climate Alliance.
NOTE: This video is a production of AMP Media/WestVirginiaVille.com video.
VIDEO: ‘In Pursuit of Climate Justice’
Raging climate-related wildfires. Torrential flooding. Disastrous droughts. Hazardous wastes. Headlines are full of the 1,001 ways the climate crisis can harm you, your family and the place you live. Yet communities of color and low-income families have long suffered from being on the front lines of such dangers. ‘Fairness’ and ‘justice’ are two words now central to climate change activism. They speak to the need to look out for front-line communities, whose health and well-being are often most at-risk from environmental disasters and climate change hazards. This video of the West Virginia Climate Alliance features a profile of this important subject, featuring interviews with longtime West Virginia environmental activist Pam Nixon, who chairs the Charleston branch of the Environmental and Climate Justice Committee of the NAACP; Angie Rosser, director of the WV Rivers Coalition; and Rev. Ron English, president of the Charleston WV branch of the NAACP.
YOUTUBE SHARE LINK: https://youtu.be/MUrYkOJTtEA
VIDEO: Grow informed and inspired by viewing “Climate, Jobs and Justice” Climate Alliance forum
We had more than 100 people tune into our illuminating, informative, and inspiring “Climate, Jobs and Justice” public forum on Aug. 24, 2021, with speakers that included Collin O’Mara, President of the National Wildlife Federation, and many others. Above is a video of the entire one hour-and-a-half webinar. It is a great antidote to climate despair and inaction. We encourage you to share the link.
YOUTUBE LINK: youtu.be/-m54X7PVsC0
VIDEO: The Guiding Pillars of the WV Climate Alliance
The work of the West Virginia Climate Alliance focuses on three main pillars: Climate Justice, a True Transition; and Greenhouse Gas reductions in accord with the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Here is a short video summarizing them and can serve as a quick video introduction to the Alliance. TO SHARE FROM YOUTUBE, USE THIS LINK https://youtu.be/xkEwM5c5EMA: FOR MORE ON THE THREE PILLARS, SEE: About the WV Climate Alliance. NOTE: All aerial footage is from West Virginia in this AMP Media/WestVirginiaVille.com video.
VIDEO: Why West Virginians need a seat at the table in addressing climate change
Angie Rosser of WV Rivers Coalition was featured in a TALKLINE INTERVIEW on April 26, 2021, with Hoppy Kercheval. How does awareness of the climate crisis work for West Virginia, one of the most fossil fuel-centric states in America, asks the host? Rosser responds: “The science tells us we need to act immediately. The decline of the coal industry has been in front of us for some time. Now, with the new administration and their commitment, it's never been more important for West Virginia to be at the center of these discussions around energy transitions and what that means for our people and what it means for jobs and our economic future. Yes, the science tells us we need to act immediately, act aggressively, to mitigate the worst effects of climate change. But we can’t do that without considering the people dimension, the human dimension, And that’s where were going to have lean heavily on Sen. Manchin, Sen. Capito, all of our leaders from the local governments on up, to make sure that we have a seat at the table at these conversations.” SEE WHOLE INTERVIEW IN VIDEO.
VIDEO: Why care about the climate crisis?
Why should anyone care about the climate crisis? People from across West Virginia active in groups addressing climate change tackle that question, in light of their own lives, families, and communities.
VIDEO: “LILLY’S CLASS: Kids Talk About Climate Change”
This video brings to life the booklet “Lilly’s Class: Kids Talk About Climate Change,” by Eleanor Spohr (copyright 2018). The booklet is sponsored by the Citizens’ Climate Lobby of West Virginia, one of the members of the WV Climate Alliance. It’s available for purchase for classrooms and individuals by e-mailing: ehspohr@mountain.net. For more on the West Virginia chapter of CCL, visit: facebook.com/CCLWV
SHARE: This video can also be seen and shared at this YouTube address: youtu.be/FSlanfIbgDM
VIDEO: Celebrating West Virginia’s exceptional waterways
On June 20, 2021, the Mountain State marked West Virginia Day, celebrating the state's 1863 admission to the Union. In honor of this day, Chett Pritchett, development officer for West Virginia Rivers, one of the member groups of the WV Climate Alliance, shared some thoughts about the diversity of West Virginia and the significance of its waterways.
The WV Rivers organization is a statewide voice for water-based recreation and clean, drinkable, swimmable, and fishable rivers and streams — from the headwaters to wherever water flows in West Virginia. The group is also the West Virginia state affiliate of the National Wildlife Federation. Consider donating to support its mission: DONATE to WV RIVERS