The West Virginia Climate Alliance is a broad-based coalition of 20 environmental organizations, faith-based, civil rights and civic organizations, and other groups focused on climate change. Members of the Alliance work together to provide science-based education on climate change to West Virginia citizens and policymakers. We seek to advance climate solutions that focus on three pillars of reform:
1) Climate justice for communities that have borne the brunt of our current fossil-fuel economy
2) A true transition for coal miners and other fossil fuel workers likely to be impacted by the transition to a low-carbon economy
3) A significant reduction in greenhouse gases in accordance with the findings of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: facebook.com/WVClimateAlliance
The West Virginia hills. | WestVirginiaVille.com photo
Members of the West Virginia Climate Alliance
Environmental Organizations
West Virginia Rivers Coalition
WEBSITE: wvrivers.org
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/wvrivers
INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/wvrivers
TWITTER: twitter.com/OurWVRivers
Moms Clean Air Force - West Virginia
National Parks Conservation Association
WEBSITE: npca.org
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/NationalParks
INSTAGRAM: twitter.com/npca
TWITTER: instagram.com/npcapics
Sierra Club of West Virginia Chapter
WEBSITE: sierraclub.org/west-virginia
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/sierraclub.westvirginia
West Virginia Highlands Conservancy
WEBSITE: wvhighlands.org
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/WVHighlandsConservancy
Faith-based Organizations
Civil Rights and Civic Organizations
Other Climate Change Organizations
West Virginia Center on Climate Change
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/ClimateCenterWV/
Chesapeake Climate Action Network
WEBSITE: chesapeakeclimate.org
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/ChesapeakeClimate
Citizens Climate Lobby West Virginia
WEBSITE: citizensclimatelobby.org/chapters/WV_Charleston
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/CCLWV
Ohio River Valley Institute
WEBSITE: ohiorivervalleyinstitute.org
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/OhioRiverValleyInstitute
TWITTER: twitter.com/O_R_V_I